Thank you for visiting our new website! Inside days for many of us at Wild Whatcom over the past months have been busy, busy with LOTS going on including work on this new website. We are looking for reviews and feedback and would be so appreciative if you could take a moment to poke around and let us know what you think - both an overall first impression of the whole site as well as specific feedback. We are looking for fixes (bugs) first, and features (wishlist) second.
Specifically, here is feedback we are looking for:
- Overall review from a content standpoint. Do you understand who Wild Whatcom is and what we do? Reading level - too high, too low, just right? Are we missing any important details/info?
- Any typos, incorrect grammar, punctuation, etc.
- Any broken or missing links.
- Wish list of other features to consider.
Please note that some areas of the site are still under construction and that, as with any website, it is a work-in-progress with on-going maintenance and updates part of the daily mix. Please note:
- The homepage is still being polished
- Some of the Summer Adventure offerings are still TBA.
- Winter Outings are just winding up, but we will house previous year offerings on the site so families can view what we typically offer any time of the year. Winter 2016 offerings will be back up soon.
- The Events and Press pages are still under construction as we figure out the most efficient way to use these options in addition to the Blog.
Please send your comments (in email body or as an attachment) to: info@wildwhatcom.org.
When sending your comments, please also let us know the following:
- Device used to review the site (mobile, tablet, laptop or a mix if you used more than one)
- Browser(s) - both name and version. You can check that here: http://www.whatsmybrowser.org/.
Here is a link to the new site (not live): https://wild-whatcom.squarespace.com
For reference, here is a link to the current site: http://wildwhatcom.org/
Thanks in advance for your time and support!
With gratitude,
All of us at Wild Whatcom