Updates to Wild Whatcom Scholarship Program

By the end of the 2023-24 program year, we expect to have provided over $93,000 in scholarships to Wild Whatcom participants - not including free and by-donation programs! As Wild Whatcom has grown, we have been thrilled that our scholarship program has grown as well. With the continuing increase in scholarship requests, we will be implementing some changes to the scholarship program moving forward to ensure that we can serve the greatest number of families and families with the highest need. The most significant change will be firm scholarship application deadlines, unique to each program and listed on the program webpage. If funds remain after the deadline, late applications may be considered.

FAQ - Scholarship Program Updates

Why are you making changes in 2024-25 to the scholarship program? We anticipate in the coming years the amount of scholarship requests will exceed our capacity to give. With the changes we are making, our goal is to add transparency around the scholarship application process and provide ample notice to families of scholarship awards or denials so that they can make alternative plans as needed.

Application deadlines Each program/season will have a unique scholarship application deadline and award date, listed on the program webpage. If funds remain after the deadline, late applications may be considered.

How to apply Scholarship applications will still be completed during the registration process.  All questions asked in the application help us make award decisions and collect info needed to secure grant funds and private donations that fund this program. Wild Whatcom never uses names or identifying information in applications or communications with funders.

Does applying guarantee an award or a spot in the program? Submitting a scholarship request does not guarantee a spot in the program. However, we work diligently to make first round awards well in advance of program start dates and before programs fill. Once awards are made, your spot will be finalized. Requests after the initial application date may still be considered depending on funding availability and program enrollment.

How will you determine awards? If we do not have sufficient funding to make all requests, we will use a decision tree to determine awards recipients. The decision tree considers financial need, past year or season scholarship awards, and the importance of repeat experiences for children.

To donate to support Wild Whatcom's scholarship program, click here. For additional questions, email info@widlwhatcom.org