Winter Appeal 2020 - Thank you for your generosity!

Wow! Thank you for all of your incredible generosity in the last several weeks.

Together you've donated more than $31,000 to help local youth and families stay connected with each other and nature!

Thanks to your support, we've been playing in local parks, practicing skills outdoors, supporting online learning in our public schools, and doing stewardship projects with the Parks and Recreation Department throughout the fall.

Your donations allow Wild Whatcom to offer free programming, free gear, and financial assistance so that all youth in our community have access to outdoor enrichment, nature connection, and social and emotional learning with peers.

Thank you to several generous sponsors who matched donations up to $30,000 during this giving season!

We could not do what we do in the community without the support of individuals, foundations, and business sponsors.

There is still time to give and the CARES Act may help you deduct more of your charitable contributions this year.

As part of the CARES Act that was passed due to COVID-19 this spring, a new special tax deduction is available to anyone who utilizes the standard deduction.

This year you can claim up to $300 in charitable contributions, and the income threshold has been eliminated so you can now deduct up to 100% of your income. There is also an increase in the amount of taxable income that can be deducted for corporate gifts. You can learn more about this on Fidelity's website. Happy giving!

Thank you for your continued support and we hope to see you outside soon!