Photo Credit: Girls Explorers CLub
CANCELLED! Unfortunately the major storm moving in is expected to bring gusts of up to 60 mph. For the sake of everyone's safety and well-being, we've decided to cancel this event. We are looking forward to finding another date, with better conditions, to come together to serve our community and celebrate! Thank you for your interest.
Thursday, October 13, 3:00-6:30PM
Squalicum Creek Park
Wild Whatcom has teamed up with the Bellingham Parks and Recreation Department to offer a free, fun, and family-friendly outdoor event on this early-release Thursday.
Pitch in alongside your child with shovels and buckets as we weed and mulch around young trees in a new forest restoration from 3:00-5:00PM. All ages welcome. Gloves and other supplies provided.
We'll then celebrate our afternoon from 5:00-6:30PM with a POTLUCK (please bring a dish to share), MUSIC by the marimba band, Kuunga, and other FUN ACTIVITIES! Cups, plates, and flatware provided.
We'll also be holding a GEAR SWAP! If you have unused or outgrown outdoor gear lying around (clothing, equipment, etc.), gather them up and bring them along. No need to bring gear in order to participate in the swap.
Want to volunteer? Have a question?
Email Wild Whatcom Program Manager, Chris Wiebe, at