Wilderness Survival | Schedule and Sample Itinerary
Grades 6-8* | 5 Day Camp | Monday-Friday | 8:30-3:00PM
*based on participant’s grade in Fall 2025
Monday-Friday Drop-off/Pick-up | Fairhaven Park Upper Lot
Wednesday | Take Wild Whatcom bus for a day at Larrabee State Park (Clayton Beach)
Thursday | Take Wild Whatcom bus for a day at Semiahmoo Park
Sample Itinerary
Activities may vary depending on participant interests and variable safety considerations (i.e. weather, preparedness, support needs)
8:30-8:45: Flexible Drop Off
Play game while waiting for participants to arrive
8:45-9:30: Opening Circle
Introductions: Share names and pronouns (optional)
Cover physical and heart safety
Land Acknowledgment
Share plan for the day
9:30-9:45: Game Break: Fox Tails
9:45-10:00: Snack Break
10:00-11:30: Intro to Carving
Why are we learning carving? What can carving teach us?
Run through safe carving practices
Getting to know your knife
Checking your blood circle
Form and awareness
Proper passing of knives
Setting knife down
Tour mentor carving projects
Start to carve tent stakes or sticks for “stick stick” game
Tip to save your shavings for later fire creation!
11:30-12:00: Lunch
12:00-12:15: Game Break: Stick Stick
12:15-1:15: Honorable Harvest
Edible and Medicinal Plant ID
1:15-2:15: Free Explore/Work on Carving
2:15-2:45: Peaceful Place
2:45-3:00: Closing Circle
Preview of next day
Attitude of gratitude - What are you thankful for from our time together?