Join us in celebrating birds at the annual Wings Over Water Northwest Birding Festival in Blaine. Naturalists and experienced birders from Wild Whatcom will facilitate a family-friendly bird investigation program at the Wings Over Water Birding Festival We will be doing a hands-on "lab" exploring why different species have different beak shapes, and then heading out on a guided bird walk to look and listen for birds and the evidence they leave behind! We will be running two identical sessions-pick which time works best for you!
Wild Whatcom is a community partner for the Wings Over Water festival and will only be providing the free, family-friendly, all ages programming. If you are interested in more advanced birding classes/outings for adults, check out the festival website for more detailed information on the range of other programs being offered during the 3-day festival!
Learn more here. No registration required for this outing.
Location | Semiahmoo Park, 9261 Semiahmoo Parkway, Blaine. Map link HERE.