Magnificent Mammals | Schedule and Sample Itinerary

Grades 1-3* | 5 Day Camp | Monday-Friday | 8:30-2:30PM

*based on participant’s grade in Fall 2025


Monday-Friday | Pick-up/Drop-off: Lake Padden Park (East Entrance)

Tuesday | Groups will take Wild Whatcom Bus to spend day at Larrabee State Park (Main Entrance/Amphitheater)

Sample Itinerary

Activities may vary depending on participant interests and variable safety considerations (i.e. weather, preparedness, support needs)

8:30-8:45: Flexible Drop Off

  • Play game while waiting for participants to arrive

8:45-9:30: Opening Circle

  • Introductions: Share names and pronouns (optional)

  • Cover physical and heart safety

  • Share plan for the day

9:30-9:45: Game Break: Fire in the Forest

9:45-10:00: Snack Break

10:00-11:30: Mammal Movement

  • Do all mammals move the same way? Does a rabbit move like a squirrel or like a coyote?

  • Play gaits charades

  • Create gaits prints

11:30-12:00: Lunch

12:00-12:15: Game Break: Alpha Wolf

12:15-1:15: Mammal Communication

  • How do mammals communicate with each other? What does a dog sound like? How about a cat? What about a Douglas squirrel? 

  • Can you tell what different sounds mean? What other ways do mammals communicate? When do they communicate? 

  • Mammal communication skits

  • Mammal call tag

1:15-1:45: Storytime

1:45-2:15: Peaceful Place

  • Make a sound map of everything you hear around you

2:15-2:30: Closing Circle

  • Preview of next day

  • Attitude of gratitude - What are you thankful for from our time together?