Beach Buddies | Schedule and Sample Itinerary
Grades 1-3* | 5 Day Camp | Monday-Friday | 8:30-2:30PM
*based on participant’s grade in Fall 2025
Session 1 (June 30-July 3)
Monday-Thursday | Drop-off/Pick-up: Marine Park
Monday & Tuesday | Groups will take Wild Whatcom bus to spend day at Larrabee State Park (Main Entrance/Amphitheater)
Sessions 2-4
Monday-Friday | Drop-off/Pick-up: Marine Park
Tuesday & Wednesday | Groups will take Wild Whatcom bus to spend day at Larrabee State Park (Main Entrance/Amphitheater)
Sample Itinerary
Activities may vary depending on participant interests and variable safety considerations (i.e. weather, preparedness, support needs)
8:30-8:45: Flexible Drop Off
Play game while waiting for participants to arrive
8:45-9:30: Opening Circle
Introductions: Share names and pronouns (optional)
Cover physical and heart safety
Share plan for the day
9:30-9:45: Game Break: Where the Wind Blows
9:45-10:00: Snack Break
10:00-11:30: Marine ID Safety, Free Explore, and Scavenger Hunt
What marine life do you think we will find here today? How do we safely engage with this marine life?
Cover safe beach etiquette with call and response and body movements
Set up touch tank
Free explore with ID guides
Beach scavenger hunt
11:30-12:00: Lunch
12:00-12:15: Game Break: Where’s My Egg
12:15-1:15: Free Explore and Crabitats
What do we know about crabs and where crabs live?
Share crab facts and look for crabs
Build crabitats noting crabs need shade and salt water to survive
1:15-1:45: Storytime
1:45-2:15: Peaceful Place
Write a story or draw a picture from the perspective of a crab. What does your home look like? Who are your friends? What do you do for the day?
2:15-2:30: Closing Circle
Preview of next day
Attitude of gratitude - What are you thankful for from our time together?